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Sub-National Advisory Committee (Sub-NAC) meeting held

Submitted on: Tue, 01/20/2015 - 11:35
Sub-National Advisory Committee (Sub-NAC) meeting

17 November 2014

The sub-National Advisory Committee (Sub-NAC) meeting of Local Governance and Community Development Programme (LGCDP-II) was held on 17 November 201,from 2-5pm at Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development (MoFALD). Sub-NAC is constituted by representatives of LGCDP's partners who meet on a regular basis (atleast every quarter). The Sub-NAC is responsible for the implementation of the policy decisions made by the NAC, for operational level decision-making, for acting as the consultative coordinating body of the LGCDP and technical assistance issues. Senior representatives of the contributing development partners participate in the Sub-NAC meetings.

The meeting was chaired by National Programme Director and respected Joint Secretary,MoFALD Mr. Reshmi Raj Pandey. The meeting was also co-chaired by Development Partner (DPs) lead, Mr. Jean Francois Cuenod, head of the Development Cooperation at the Embassy of Switzerland in Nepal. Mr. Cuenod was filling in for Laura Lesyer, Acting Team Leader Goverance and Service Delivery, DFID as the co-chair.

The meeting agenda included presentations and policy recommendations from output groups(varied sections of MoFALD), endorsement of annual plans (ASIP, AMEP and Annual Procurement monitoring report), summary of findings from joint field visit by each output managers/section Chiefs of the MoFALD, 3rd trimester financial reports, cash flow statement and disbursement plans, programme recruitment facility. A brief discussion was also held on ICAI report.

The meeting was actively participated from DP representatives and appreciated the ownership by the MoFALD output managers towards the LGCDP-II programme. The development partners expressed appreciation on comprehensive presentation and policy discussions. The meeting concluded with policy recommendations to be endorsed at the LGCDP National Advisory Committee (NAC) meeting to be held on December 5, 2014.